Davis Motomiya |
The Boy Behind the Goggles |
Alrightie. Welcome to the new Davis page. This page is dedicated to Davis, of course. He is my second favourite character, my first being Matt. :) Anyway, a lot of people think Davis is a jerk and a Tai wanna be. I don't think he is. I think he's really sweet and caring, and really cute, too... ~~~~~~~~~~~ DAVIS STATS: Davis Stats: Name: Davis Motomiya (Daisuke in Japan) Grade: 7 Wants to be: A soccer player Age: 12 Digimon Partner: Veemon Davis likes: Yolei, eating, more eating, looking good, impressing girls, winning. Davis doesn't like: Being defeated, being made fun of, not eating... ~~~~~~~~~~ HIS DIGIMON'S STATS: DemiVeemon: Veemon's In-training form. Likes: Food!, being cautious (From the Crest of Kindness, e.g: "Hold on, I have to fasten my safety-belt!" which was Davis's hair ^__^) and being adorable (isn't he just huggable?) Digivolved forms: Baby:Chibomon In-training: DemiVeemon Rookie: Veemon Champion: ExVeemon Armour (w/Courage): Flamedramon Armour (w/Friendship): Raidramon Armour (w/Miracles): Magnamon DNA Digivolve (w/Stingmon): Paildramon Mega (w/Paildramon) Imperialdramon
The scoop on Davis: Davis may look like a Tai wanna be, but he's really not... Davis is the leader of the new digidestined. He's a very bold person, and very athletic. Davis usually gets picked on a lot, and he gets into arguements with Yolei quite often, too. Davis and Veemon are sort of like the comic relief in the new group. Davis is kind of like everyday school jocks, he's buff and cool, and he doesn't do too well in school (I'm not saying all jocks stink in school, but some do...). Davis looks up to Tai, wears his goggles and even plays soccer, just like Tai, but Davis has a personality all his own. Davis and Veemon are, as I already stated, picked on, but usually it's a lot when Yolei isn't around... Davis can be strong and leaderly, but his temper can get thrown off easily, as do his emotions...aww, poor Dai...