Davis and Yolei - Destined to Be

Hints and Evidence



Okay. This is the evidence/hints page that shows well, evidence to the coupling of Davis and Yolei. If anyone has hints that I haven't put up, please e-mail me with them...on the index page there's an "e-mail me" thing, so send it that way.
ATTN: This page kinda contains spoilers, so, and it has most episode names and stuff, so if you haven't seen all the eps, I'm just putting in a little itty bitty warning...
Just something I want to mention: In many of the episodes, the Digidestined stand off in pairs. Kari and TK almost always stand beside each other, and Yolei and Davis always stand beside each other. Cody's the lone one but hey, he can be with his Digimon, and I don't mean that in a sick way!

Enter Flamedramon:
No hints in this ep, duh, it's the first episode!...

The Digiteam Complete:
1. In the beginning, Davis was gloating about the Digiworld to Yolei.
2. Yolei was worried when Davis got captured by the Digimon Emperor.
3. When they came to rescue him, Yolei yelled, "Davis, hold on!"
4. After she got his D-3 and D-terminal, and gave it back to him, he said, "Thanks a lot, Yolei." He could have just said thank you, but he said more than that.

A New Digitude:
1. When Cody, Kari and TK went off to find the new digieggs, Yolei and Davis stayed behind to fight, whereas they could have just left the Digimon, like Cody just left Digmon to fight.
2. (Not quite a hint) Yolei and Davis were stuck all alone on the cliff, and they were standing by each other, when they could have been with their Digimon.

Iron Vegiemon:
1 (I don't really consider this a hint, but I decided to put it in anyway) - (when they were in the school and Davis was *close* to Yolei near the computer: "Back off Davis, you're making me nervous!" -Yolei
"Can't you go any faster?" - Davis
2. When Yolei and the others came running up the hill, Yolei yelled out Davis' name.

Old Reliable:
1. (This also isn't really a hint, but I thought it was funny) - Before they went to Digiworld, and Yolei yelled out all exuberant and stuff, did you see Davis' face? It was really funny.
2. This happened a lot through the episode, but they sat next to each other a lot and stood next to each other a lot, e.g: on the sled, when they were standing around. Also, not really a hint, but when the sled tipped over and Cody fell into the water, Yolei fell on Davis. *hehe*

Family Picnic:
1. In the beginning, when Davis asked them why they were late, Yolei explained. Cody or TK could have, but Yolei did.
2. After they got into the school, and Davis he was the best, Yolei sorta got a funny look on her face (Cody did too, but still...) And then a couple minutes later Yolei mocked Davis when she got them into Digiworld by saying, "Am I the best or whaaat?!"
3. They sat next to each other on the picnic cloth.
4. After Yolei disappeared, Davis was the one calling for her first, then everyone else just echoed.
5. And while that was going on, Yolei was trying to contact Davis on his D-3 instead of Kari or TK or Cody.
6. After the Roachmon brother battle, and Yolei's signal came in on the D-3, Davis said, "All right! Way to go, Yolei!" When he could have complimented Mimi too...but he didn't.
7. When they finally met up, they were calling each other's names. And they were really happy to see each other.

Guardian Angel:
1. Yolei wanted to go with Davis to the Digiworld after TK went in.

Ken's Secret:
1. When Davis was talking: "If I could just make it a close game against that guy I'd be a living legend and you know how chicks dig living legends..." (Davis)
"Ooh, Davis, *laughs*" - Yolei
"Uh-oh, it's happening already," - Davis
--He thought she was one of those 'chicks.' hehee
2. She took his hand and she didn't let go of it for quite a while and who knows, she probably really did want to hold his hand.
3. When Davis and the others were in the "Land of Duckies and Bunnies *j/k*" and 'Yolei' was hanging up with the others, 'she' really wanted Davis to save her, and since Davis didn't know it was her, he was like, "Don't worry! I'll figure something out!" That was showing he cares about her. :)

The Emperor's New Home:
1. When Yolei came in with the newspaper, she handed it to Davis instead of TK or Kari or someone else. Then, he ripped it from her hands and she got mad at him for giving her a paper cut. Hehe...
2. When they were all talking about Ken, and Yolei was mentioning how he had dashing good looks and such, Davis got really jealous.

The Captive Digimon:
1. In the beginning, Davis...and Cody...went to try and find Yolei, and then Dai found...well, she found them, but then when she walked in all glum and stuff, Davis got really concerned about her and leaned up her to her and asked her what was wrong. (Look at his face throughout those few scenes, it's so cute.)

Storm of Friendship:
1. No hints in this eppie. :(

The Good, The Bad, and The Digi:
1. Yolei pretty much caught Davis when he fell from the sky.

His Master's Voice:
1. In the beginning when Yolei, Davis and Cody were standing around the computer, and Yolei explained what she had done to the D-terminals, Davis was like, "Boy, do you know how to party..." *LOL*

Samurai of Sincerity:
1. When Yolei said, "Tell me you're single!", Davis was like, "Huh?!"
2. When they were in the booth, Davis was leaning over near her...He coulda gone somewhere else...
3. At least he knows what Yolei's hobby is, "Boys don't count, Yolei."
4. He was really shocked when she said she was a jerk...then he was really upset about it. But of course she doesn't mean it.

Big Trouble in Little Edo:
1. Davis wanted to know where Yolei was: "Hey, where's Yolei?"

20 000 Digi-leagues Under the Sea:
1. They stood next to each other A LOT in this episode.
2. You always hurt the one you love, meaning arguing or fighting...when they were arguing, they said they weren't in the oil rig. It was funny.
3. When Yolei spotted Ikkakumon, Davis came hurrying up and pushed her shoulder out of the way.

Ghost of a Chance:
1. Davis and Yolei were really, really wanting to go get pizza.
2. They were standing beside each other. :)

Run Yolei Run:
1. Davis sent Veemon to go and help Yolei when Dokugumon was attacking.
2. He was also really caring and understanding about her staying behind with Hawkmon.

An Old Enemy Returns:
1. Yolei wanted to know if she and Kari should tell Davis that they were leaving.
2. Later, she said that Davis was a pretty good sport.

The Darkness Before Dawn:
1. They were beside each other a lot in this ep and they walked up that big platform in the base together, while everyone was behind.

The Crest of Kindness:
No hints in this ep.

Davis Cries Wolfmon:
1. When Tortomon was chasing them, and they went by Yolei and Hawkmon, Davis was like, "Yolei, quick, do something!" He was relying on her...

If I had a Tail Hammer:
1. When Davis came into the computer room complaining, Yolei was like, "What did you do this time?" and she said it in a really dragging tone...heheh...
2. Wow...man, big hint...I mean, she practically pulled him up and then she slung her arm around him! Jeesh...and then, Davis was like, "Yoleeeiii..." like, 'don't do this in public...' and he was embarrassed by it...
3. When she was starting to leave him with the Punimon, he didn't want her to go.

Spirit Needle:
1. She thought that he was mad at her...
2. *not really a hint, but...* She was talking with him on the phone, I mean, they could use that opportunity to talk about other things...
3. That had yet another cute little arguement...^__^

United We Stand:
1.Yolei was like, "He'll mess this up again!" and she had a really funny look on her face.
2. When they were in the desert, Yolei was like, "Shouldn't we talk about this?!" and Davis said, "We just did!" I mean, he coulda been talking about just the two of them...:)

Fusion Confusion:
1. He asked if everyone was okay and Yolei was the only one to answer: "I'm fine." - Yolei
2. He said something like, "Look at Yolei, she makes tons of mistakes." and she said, "Hey!" and then she was angry with him.
3. She didn't say directly to him she was upset with him, she said, "...upset with a certain someone for saying they make a lot of mistakes..." heheh...

The Insect Master's Trap:
1. No hinties in this episode...:(

Arukenimon's Tangled Web:
1. He was thinking of her safety when she went to try and stop Arukenimon's flute playing.
2. At the end of the episode, Yolei brought herself up close to him, batted her eyes and said, "But I think more than anything, Davis owes me." Davis blushed and said, "Put it on my tab."
Hello...total flirting going on there.

Ultimate Anti-Hero:
*****Just wanna say before I post hints. This was a hint filled episode, and one of my favourites.*****

1. After Kari and TK went off, and Veemon was demanding to know what was wrong, Yolei came up and asked him what was wrong. She cares about him...
2. Then, she made him blush TWICE and then said, "why don't you come down here and we'll talk." He came down *of course* and they spent some time together talking.
3. After they came up with their plan and were behind that rock, they were really close to each other and Yolei practically leaned over him to whisper in his ear. :)
4. Then they walked up together to where Ken and Cody were standing.
5. Then...babum...when Yolei got fed up with Cody and lunged for him, Davis ran after her and grabbed her around the middle, then pulled her back and kept holding onto her middle/shoulders for quite a while. *A little note from me: Okay, in If I had a Tail Hammer, Yolei was the one leaning on him, now he's the one on her...hmm...*wink*

Opposites Attract:
1. In the very beginning, they were sitting next to each other while the group was talking, and then after Kari commented on how she was worried about BlackWarGreymon, Davis said, "That's the difference between you and Kari, she cares about people." ...Maybe he wants her to start showing caring about *someone* in particular...
2. She made him blush yet again...
3. When Yolei, Kari, and Ken were walking through the Dark Forest and Yolei saw Davis and Veemon, she got all happy and started running towards him, then ran right through him. You could say they were heart to heart, *G*. Also, if she had intended on stopping before reaching him, then they wouldn't run through each other...maybe she wanted to run into him...
4. When Yolei was getting all hysterical about being stuck in the Dark World, she said, "How can we be fine?! Davis ran right through me! I'll never get married, have children, make millions in the stock market!...My life is over!"...then she got slapped, but, back to the hint...She mentioned Davis running right through her, then went on to whining about never being able to get married or have kids. Perhaps she was afraid she'd never get back to him.

If I Only Had a Heart:
1. They stood by each other for most of the episode...

A Chance Encounter:
No hints, Yolei and Davis didn't even interact in this episode!!

Destiny in Doubt:
*The hints in this ep were in the very end, but, hey, at least they put some in!
1. When Yolei started wavering on the bridge, who grabbed her hand to steady her? Davis did. I thought that was really cute. He said he only did it to make up for missing Kari's hand the last time...but if he was making up for missing someone he 'liked''s hand, then was he grabbing Yolei's hand instead? Comprend pas?
2.Very, very shortly after that, Davis was rocking the bridge, and Yolei snapped, "I'll rock your head!" ...heheh...

Cody Takes A Stand:
1. She wanted to go over to his house like, immediately when he was mentioning the sleepover...
2. After TK and Cody left, and she was about to go off, she looked back at Davis with a look on her face saying, "I don't really want to leave."
3. When they were watching for BlackWarGreymon to come, and they were all behind that rock, Yolei was leaning back towards Davis, as if she wanted to be closer to him.

Stone Soup:
No hints in this episode...:(

Kyoto Dragon:
1. Aside from a few minor hints in the beginning, in the end, with those...onion ball things...they got into a big scuffuffle and Yolei practically jumped on Davis and started trying to tear him apart...LOL...
2. After their scuffuffle, when they were walking along the sidewalk in the evening, (which they do quite often, I've noticed), they were arguing yet again...hehe...
* Just another thing I want to mention...whenever there's an episode where there are not a lot of hints in the beginning, the lack of hints is made up in the end. Kyoto Dragon, for example, and Destiny in Doubt...*

A Very Digi-Christmas:
1. In the beginning of the ep, Yolei and Davis were cheering, and it was only them who were doing it. Then, the camera pans to them and they're standing across from each other, holding hands and dancing....
2. Yolei and Davis worked together to stuff Palmon into the X-mas bag.
3. Later, Davis was trying to teach poor Yolei how to play cards...and she kept getting mad at him. *g*...and then Yolei wanted to know what they should play and Davis said "Strip Poker"...hmm..maybe he wanted to play it with her...

Dramon Power:
No hints in this episode...they barely even interacted!

Digimon World Tour, Part 1:
Again, no hints...no interaction...no nothin'

Digimon World Tour, Part 2:
*SIGH* No hints, no interaction, nothing...waaaa!

Digimon World Tour, Part 3:
1. Finally, an episode with hints, even if they were at the very end! LOL...okay, well, when Dai and the others came, he and Yolei were facing each other and he said...I think, "Good timing, huh?" and she said something back...but it was cute...
Pretty lame hint, huh? Eh, I'm desperate.

Invasion of the Daemon Corps:
1. In the beginning, Yolei was teasing him...
2. Later, when Kari and Yolei were standing there, she noticed Davis but not Ken...if she really liked Ken, wouldn't she have noticed him?

Dark Sun, Dark Spore:
No really obvious hints in this eppy.

The Dark Gate:
1. When Yolei was travelling upon her faithful bird, she said aloud, "Hang on, Davis..." then proceeded in thinking about him...*sighs...how sweet*

Duel of the Wargreymon:
1. When they were at TK's place, Davis was sitting on the floor and Yolei was standing beside him, but he was leaning veeeryy close to her...
2. Dai thought her plan was a good one...and no one protested on it...I mean, TK's dissed Yolei and Davis's plans before...but he didn't this time...
3. After he agreed, she looked at him in the cutest way ever!

BlackWarGreymon's Destiny:
1. Near the end of episode, when TK and gang came running towards Ken and Davis, Yolei ran right to Davis...

Oikawa's Shame:
1. He was sitting very near to her, as was she, in the bushes.
2. She shushed him up and called him a bigmouth...*sigh, you always hurt the ones you love.*
3. Throughout the episode, they were standing near each other and/or sitting near each other.

The Last Temptation of the Digidestined:
1. She said that Davis ruled, and she called him bull-headed...Hey, she thinks he rules...that's pretty good...
2. Then, she said that he stood between her and never-never land...hmm, wonder what she meant by that...

A Million Points of Light:
1. When Davis said that he wanted to open a noodle cart, Yolei totally wacked out. Maybe that's the reason she didn't pursue to get to know him 'better.' Because in Opposites Attract, she said she wanted to make millions in the stock market, and even though she could have invested in the stocks, maybe she didn't want to be the wife of a noodle cart owner...but hey, who knows what they did in those 25 - years...they might have dated sometime...
2. When Davis said that he was smart and handsome, Yolei
had to add on and she said he was humble too...


Digimon The Movie Hints:

***Yolei, Davis, Cody, and Willis only appeared in the third movie, so these hints are for the third part.***

1. They were playing volleyball together with Upamon...hehe
2. When Davis got the e-mail from Kari, he slid onto the sand with the D-terminal, and Yolei came up behind and bent down really close to him, like, hanging over his shoulder.
3. Davis was complaining to Yolei about the modes of transportation they took, and they had yet another argument.
4. In the cab, they sat next to each other when Cody could have sat next to one of them...
5. When Davis got the truck stopped, he was all cheery and explaining to the driver, but he was also grinning and waving at Yolei, then she walked up with her hand on her hip, like, yeah, yeah, don't show off...I can see you...
6. When Willis began flirting with Yolei, Davis walked between them, blushing, and said, "Yeah, yeah, back off there, Blondie."
7. When Davis, Willis, Raidramon and Terriermon were approaching, Upamon said, "It's a big gust of wind!" then Cody said, "No, it's Davis!" and then Yolei remarked, "Same difference."
*I received this one by e-mail...thanks!
*8. When Willis kissed Yolei, Davis got a little flustered up.
9. They stood next to each other a whole lot in the third part of the movie and Davis *most of time* was either smiling or looking at Yolei.



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