Davis and Yolei - Destined to Be
Yolei Inoue

The Girl Behind the Glasses



New Page Title
Yolei Inoue
Davis Motomiya
Pictures Pages

This page is dedicated to Yolei. She is, of course, another of my favourite characters, and so she deserves her own page. I think Yolei is a good character because she's really outgoing (e.g: Run Yolei Run...lol) when she wants to, and she's caring and really nice.


Name: Yolei Inoue
(Miyako in Japan)
Age: 13
Grade: 8
Likes: Davis, Boys (duh!), being sincere, expressing herself and her opinions, etc...
Dislikes: Being left out, having dirty glasses, seeing a friend be hurt.
Siblings: 2 older sisters and 1 older brother.
Digimon Partner: Hawkmon
Hawkmon's forms:
Baby: Pururumon
In-training: Poromon
Rookie: Hawkmon
Champion: Aquilamon
Armour (w/Love): Halsemon
Armour (w/Sincerity): Shurimon
DNA Digivolve (w/Gatomon): Silphymon

Hawkmon Stats:

Likes: Being proper, not having a dysfunctional human (e.g: the second episode when she had just met Hawkmon), sushi, ...hmm...can't think of anything else...

Dislikes: Being around Yolei when she's in a hyper mood (e.g: Run Yolei Run), getting wet, being beaten



The Scoop on Yolei:

Yolei's pretty much your average teenage girl, and I find she's a lot like me. Yolei is a bundle of emotions, like Davis, and she has a tendency to go head over heels for cute guys. Although Yolei is hyper and likes to do things one the spur of the moment, she sometimes takes risks that end her up in a whack of trouble.
Yolei's got a really soft side, but she tends to hide that sometimes and she sometimes says things without thinking. Yolei has a very complex personality, but she's a very likeable person!