This page is dedicated to Yolei. She is, of course, another of my favourite characters, and so she deserves her own page. I think Yolei is a good character because she's really outgoing (e.g: Run Yolei when she wants to, and she's caring and really nice. YOLEI STATS: Name: Yolei Inoue (Miyako in Japan) Age: 13 Grade: 8 Likes: Davis, Boys (duh!), being sincere, expressing herself and her opinions, etc... Dislikes: Being left out, having dirty glasses, seeing a friend be hurt. Siblings: 2 older sisters and 1 older brother. Digimon Partner: Hawkmon Hawkmon's forms: Baby: Pururumon In-training: Poromon Rookie: Hawkmon Champion: Aquilamon Armour (w/Love): Halsemon Armour (w/Sincerity): Shurimon DNA Digivolve (w/Gatomon): Silphymon Hawkmon Stats: Likes: Being proper, not having a dysfunctional human (e.g: the second episode when she had just met Hawkmon), sushi, ...hmm...can't think of anything else... Dislikes: Being around Yolei when she's in a hyper mood (e.g: Run Yolei Run), getting wet, being beaten 
